Strengthen your hair in 6 steps
6 steps to strengthen your hair
If you’re annoyed with how weak and frizzy your hair is, here are some hacks that can help you have healthy strong hair.
1- Avoid hot water:
Hot water can strip all the moisture and natural oil from your hair, leaving your hair dry and fizzy.
Instead, wash your hair with cold/moderate temperature water, it will help you clean the scalp as it shuts the pores, which helps protect your hair and scalp from outside dirt and grease.
2- Natural Shampoos:
Hot water is not the only thing that can take away your hair moisture, most shampoos use chemicals to remove the hair’s natural oils as a way to treat oiliness and dirt.
There are many things you can do to avoid that, like using natural shampoos with no chemicals, washing your hair with shampoo less frequently, or just don’t use too much shampoo.
3- Towels:
The friction that happens between your wet hair and the normal towels you use can damage your hair. Instead, you can use microfibers towels, or for a cheaper option, dry your hair with a cotton t-shirt after squeezing water out of it as much as possible.

4- Massage your scalp:
Massaging your scalp can enhance blood circulation and flow into your scalp and hair follicles, boosting the overall health of your hair and scalp.
Studies showed that daily 4 minutes of scalp massaging can increase hair thickness and strength.
Also you can add to this routine, massaging your scalp with Rosemary oil after the shower, you can mix 5 drops of rosemary oil with a carrier oil like jojoba or coconut oil
5- Moisturize:
Moisturizing your hair can make a huge difference and have a positive impact on your hair. Use Aloe vera oil, coconut oil, Argan oil, or Shea butter.
These oils will help you seal in the moisture in your hair, giving it the vibrant look you look for.
6- Trim the dead ends:
Trim your hair regularly to remove split ends and damaged hair. This way your hair will grow faster because it will break less, and also will make it shiner and glower.
Taking care of your hair is easy, however, it needs consistency. Set up a daily hair routine and follow it regularly for your hair to benefit from it.