Better Skin for Better Life

Better Skin for Better Life


Better Skin for Better Life

A lot of factors can make our skin get more sensitive over time, and this sensitivity might result in some changes that are more visible than others, like dry skin, fine lines, and more. Here’s how you can fight it off.

1- Hydration:

As we age our skin gets a little bit dryer because our oil glands are becoming less active, that’s why you need richer moisturizers.

Apply it on your face, neck, and neckline to effectively decrease the appearance of fine lines.

Use Hyaluronic Acid and antioxidant products to reduce those fine lines, and notably hydrate your skin, and get rid of dryness in no time.

And most importantly, try to drink water… lots of water. 

2- Cleansing: 

Use a cleanser for dry skin with a creamy formula that moisturizes, instead of gel or foam cleansers that might strip moisture away. We need our skin to be constantly moisturized.

3- Exfoliate:

Exfoliating can be useful, by shedding dead skin cells you’ll have brighter skin.

Also, Toners can be useful when it comes to dark spots because they can help even out the skin color. Removing the outer layer of excess dead skin cells will help smooth skin texture, increase the absorption rate of your skin care products, and brighten up your complexion.

4- De-stress:

Stress can make your skin drier and more sensitive than before. It also can trigger some uncomfortable skin conditions, you can even forget your skincare routine. Instead, try to relax, meditate, do yoga, or do any other relaxing exercise. Getting enough sleep is helpful as well. 

5- Exercise: 

Exercising and working out can boost your circulation. The blood flow and the extra oxygen, nutrients, and minerals can help your skin look brighter and healthier

Better Skin for Better Life

All these practices are useful, however, it’s never too late to start taking care of yourself and your skin, do the right thing and start with the routine that suits you, and watch yourself flourish every day.