How to make your home smell better?
Every home has a scent of its own. Do you know that smell you notice when you get back from a long vacation? That’s how your home smells like ALL THE TIME to strangers who visit you, you just developed a sensory adaptation, or as it’s informally called “Nose Blindness”, so you no longer notice it.
The first thing a stranger notice when he visits you is the smell of your home, and we are about to tell you how to make your home smell better.
1- Essential oils:
Some essential oils, such as Lemon, lavender, Cinnamon, and clove can help freshen your home.
Essential oils are known for having relaxing, cleansing, and healing properties, plus being free from any chemicals or harmful and unnatural fillers.
Try to make your refreshing spray using essential oils at home, using just water and alcohol.
2- Simmers potpourri:
Some people tend to store potpourri in small pots and bowls for a good smell, but the real deal is simmering the potpourri on your stove, and it’s 100% guaranteed to make your home smell lovely.
Try lemon & apple slices, orange peels, cloves, and cinnamon sticks.
3- Baking Soda:
If you’re facing troubles with the smelly odors of your carpets and rugs, we got you covered.
Baking soda can act as a natural deodorant, it’s easy to get and doesn’t cost much either.
All you have to do is sprinkle some on your carpet, leave it for 15 minutes, then vacuum your carpet to get rid of the sprinkles, and you’ll have a fresh odor-free carpet.

4- Candles & Coffee beans:
We all have these small candles at home, try filling a small bowl with whole coffee beans and place these small votive candles in them, and enjoy the amazing refreshing smell your home will have.
5- Diffusers:
Plug-in Air-fresheners are not only expensive but also unnatural and contain chemicals.
Use a diffuser with essential oils for a refreshing daily routine. It’s safe to use and got no chemicals in it.
6- Ventilations:
Smell sources and reasons can vary, but the key to a well-refreshed place is ventilation.
Ventilation can influence the air quality you breathe, get rid of unwanted odors, and dilute harmful gases like carbon dioxide.
Your home smell says a lot about your lifestyle and personality, so make sure you are always well ventilated, refreshed, and well scented.